Welcome to ACID web page Presentation

ACID is a free and open source Application to Classify Images Databases

Created by public researchers form the LaBRI (France)

Work supported by Aquitaine Région (DocHuman project) and the Bordeaux University (France)

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About ACID

ACID is an interactive software for visualizing and classifying big document image databases

Most of document image analysis systems (for a classification or a retrieval task) provide a very basic visualization interface where images are displayed and browsed sequentially. When databases are composed of many thousands of document images that kind of basic interfaces are really difficult to handle for a user.

ACID allows to visualize and browse a document image database as a graph and provides many visual indicators to focus the operator attention on potential errors.

The way ACID works is fully detailed in a paper presented in ICDAR2015


ACID software

                        #Install docker package
                        sudo apt-get install docker.io
                        sudo addgroup $USER docker #need to restart the session to be part of docker group
                        #Download ACID sources (SIZE MO)
                        wget http:///acid.labri.fr/data/acid.tar.gz
                        tar -xzf acid.tar.gz

                        #If needed, in the Dockerfile, replace the package "nvidia-331-updates" by the one installed on the host
                        #Compile ACID
                        #Between 10 minutes and 45 minutes according download speed and computer performances
                        cd ACID
                        ./docker.sh build
                        #To Test ACID
                        ./docker.sh run

Download our database

Feel free to download our groundtruthed database (8.8 MO) used to test ACID. This database is provided by Gestform company. All images have been anonymized. You can freely use this database.

If you use this database, please cite this paper in the original paper

Contact us

Any Question about this software or the scientific paper presenting ACID?
Please Contact, Romain Giot, Romain Bourqui, Nicholas Journet or Anne Vialard the authors mentionned in the original paper